Commercialization Office
The Technology Commercialization Office of Nazarbayev University Research and Innovation System provides financial and administrative support to projects with commercial potential to the market.
Commercialization Office
The Commercialization Office is created to maintain commercialization of R&D of the University and its organizations by providing consulting and organizational support to the professors, scientists and staff of the Nazarbayev University.

The Commercialization Office offers to investors:
  • Portfolio of the projects of Nazarbayev University scientists and staff;
  • Patent portfolio.

In 2013-2018 the Commercialization Office has funded 21 projects
of the scientists and teaching staff of the University in the following priority areas:

Robotics and IT
5 projects
8 projects
Energy Efficiency
5 projects
New Material
3 projects

Main Activities
Search and Attraction of the projects
Information sessions Holding information sessions, meetings.
Since 2013, 81 applications have been submitted for consideration.
Project Selection Process
Rules for selecting of projects
As a result of selection, 21 projects were funded (60 applications were rejected)
Project Management
Organizational support and monitoring
Purchase of equipment, services and materials, attraction of consultants, organization of business trips for the projects' team members
Intellectual Property Management
Regulations for IP management
IP management in accordance with the laws and regulations. 3 license agreements have been already signed.
Obtaining Funding from External Development Institutions
Preparation of applications for grant funding and attraction of investments for the projects
Promotion of Projects that Received Funding
Cooperation with large international companies
Active work is carried out to promote the 3D nanotomograph, Optical fiber sensors for temperature measurement projects.
Development of theregulations in the field of commercialization
Development of rules and regulations governing the activities of the institution in the field of technology commercialization.
Holding events in the field of technology commercialization
Organization of round tables, seminars, business meetings.
Activities in the field of intellectual property management
Applications filed for IP protection
Patents granted
License agreements signed
Agreements on recurring royalties
Open licenses for 10 patents
In accordance with Clause 5 of Article 14 of the Patent Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2 petitions have been filed with the request to publish information on the readiness of NURIS to grant to any person the right to obtain a license for the use of industrial property (open license) for 10 patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the bulletin.

Activities in the field of intellectual property management
From 2012 to 2018, 63 applications were filed, including:
46 national applications
5 Eurasian applications
7 PCT applications
5 applications to the national
phase of specific countries
In 2012-2018 37? patents were granted, including:
national patents
Eurasian patents
valid patents

Portfolio of Commercialization Office Projects

Outcomes of Commercialization Office's activities
Data are valid as of August 1-st, 2018 г.
Over 80 applications for funding from scientists and employees of AEO Nazarbayev University and its organizations were processed;
21 projects received funding and the opportunity to proof a project's concept, to create a prototype;
63 applications for protection of intellectual property rights were filed;
38 patents were granted;
3 license agreements were signed: - Highenergy density ecologically friendly batteries for grid connection of renewable sources and electric vehicles;
- Pilot production of flat solar thermal collectors;
- Solar water pumping system for the remote rural areas in Kazakhstan.
The regulatory documents governing the selection and funding of the projects, as well as the process of working with intellectual property objects, have been developed.
Work is under way to prepare open licenses for 10 projects.

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