# MadeinNURIS

NURIS sections are working in different fields, in particular innovative medicine projects. Recently the team of Professor Azliyati Azizan has presented their engineering solution, i.e. a new in-vitro device for the rapid detection of human papilloma virus (HPV) and the prevention of cervical cancer.

To realize how the project is important there are following HPV facts:
● HPV is a large group of viruses with more than 180 different types, 15 of which have high oncogenic properties. The HPV has induced almost 90% of cervical cancer cases.

● Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women worldwide and the most common cancer among women aged 15 to 44 in Kazakhstan.

● According to the records of the health statistics, in 2018, Kazakhstan had 650 cases of death due to cervical cancer, i.e. every day 2 women die from cervical cancer.

● Early diagnosis and timely treatment of the disease are very important in the fight against cervical cancer.

Azliyati Azizan, Professor at the University Nazarbayev School of Medicine, and her team have designed a HPV-diagnosing simple and affordable device, which makes it possible to quickly and efficiently screen and identify women at risk. No special equipment and highly qualified health staff are needed for performing the diagnostics, thus the screening can help significantly to the most of population. It will be possible to timely diagnose treatment-needed patients even in the most remote settlements without having large health establishments. Thus, the engineering solution of Professor Azizan and her team will save the lives of many.
The new test system is being studied and tested in close cooperation with specialists from the National Scientific Center for Maternal and Child Health and the Republican Diagnostic Center of the University Medical Center Corporate Foundation.

The NURIS Commercialization Office has funded this project and the team is currently working on concept substantiation. A cooperation contract has already been signed with AccoBiotech Sdn Bhd (Malaysia), which is interested in the technology acquiring and large-scale production of test systems. A Singapore company also is interested in the project.

We lay our hopes on this project and wish good luck to the team in such an affair of great moment!